Chris Thomas utilizes his expertise and knowledge from years of experience and study. Chris’s knowledge encompasses the delicate alteration of your nutritional plan each week leading up to show time, and will also guide you through the necessary lead-up preparations that you can’t afford to get wrong in those precious final days. Strive toward your next competition with the utmost confidence and certainty you are doing all you should be to present your ultimate physique.
A MONTHLY consultation Face-to-Face using Biosignature Modulation Method OR Consultation via Zoom – Week 20 to week 16
A FORTNIGHTLY consultation Face-to-Face using Biosignature Modulation Method OR Consultation via Zoom – Week 14 to week 8
A WEEKLY consultation Face-to-Face using Biosignature Modulation Method OR Consultation via Zoom – Week 8 to week 0
Weekly check-ins via email only
A full interpretation of results and explanation
A personalized and structured initial nutrition plan based on your assessment results
Remedial and ongoing supplementation advice
Ongoing adjustments to a nutrition plan
Email support
Automatic membership to
Access to Poliquin Supplements online
Questions & Answers
Training Programming – Updated every 8 weeks
Competition advise and support
What you will need to give us;
Complete our Initial Client Screening & Application to allow the development of your foundation plan.
Honest, accurate check-in information is to be provided through our secure check-in portal every fortnight
Complete commitment and compliance to the prescribed programs will only be as successful as you allow it to be.
The opportunity to show you how to live a happier, healthier, longer life through the power of effective nutrition, training and education.